home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?xml version="1.0"?>
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- function SetIgnore()
- {
- var tree = document.getElementById('tree');
- var ignore = document.getElementById('ignore').value;
- dump('setting ignore to ' + ignore + '\n');
- tree.setAttribute('rdf:ignore', ignore);
- // now force the tree to be rebuilt.
- var treebody = document.getElementById('NC:BookmarksRoot');
- treebody.setAttribute('id', 'NC:BookmarksRoot');
- }
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- <html:button onclick="SetIgnore();">Set Ignore Attrs</html:button>
- <html:form>
- <html:input id="ignore" type="text" width="80" />
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- <treecol resource="http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Name"/>
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- <treeitem>
- <treecell>Name</treecell>
- <treecell>URL</treecell>
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